In the wake of our current situation around the world, families and individuals everywhere are doing their best to prepare, stay busy at home when...
Private Swim Lessons vs Group Swim Lessons
Choosing the right swim class for your kids can be challenging, based on specific needs. Most people are not sure if private swim lessons or group...
Fast Track Learn to Swim Program- Why it Works
Choosing the right swim program for your child can be a difficult task. Common swim programs offered at most aquatic companies are group swimming...
Best Activities to Get My Toddler to Nap
For some parents, nap time can be the most difficult time of the day. There are many different factors that may be contributing to the reason that...
Preparing for the Orange County Jr. Lifeguards Swim Test
Growing up in sunny Orange County usually means spending summers at the beach. Most parents looking for a structured summer activity for their kids...
Steps to Becoming a Beach Lifeguard
Southern California is lucky enough to experience beach-day weather year-round, with 75˚ temperatures and sunny skies. With thousands of beachgoers...
Benefits of Participating in After School Sports
Choosing whether or not to enroll your children in after school sports is always a hard decision, especially when considering scheduling and time...
Positive Deeds to Do With My Child
We all want to do good in this world. Whether it is for loved ones, mother earth or society at large, the ripple effect is contagious. One good deed...